Safeguarding of Children (Child Protection) Level 2 (VTQ)

43 videos, 1 hour and 47 minutes

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Care Inspectorate Scotland

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The Care Inspectorate: Upholding Quality Standards in Scottish Care Services

The Care Inspectorate serves as the official entity accountable for inspecting care standards across Scotland. It regulates 14,000 diverse care services, ranging from childminders to care homes. All care services must register with the Care Inspectorate to operate legally.

Inspection and Regulation by The Care Inspectorate

Performing joint inspections with other regulatory bodies, the Care Inspectorate scrutinises how various local organisations support adults and children. They grade services on a six-point scale: unsatisfactory, weak, adequate, good, very good, and excellent. Inspection reports are published on the Care Inspectorate website post every visit.

Services Regulated by the Care Inspectorate

Besides care homes, children’s nurseries, and playgroups, the Care Inspectorate also oversees specialist services. These include daycare, adoption and fostering agencies, childcare agencies, nurse agencies, school accommodations, secure accommodations and respite care. However, hospitals and hospices fall under the purview of Healthcare Improvement Scotland.

Maintaining Standards: The Role of the Care Inspectorate

As of April 2018, care services must adhere to the legislation and the National Care Standards, as well as Scotland's new Health and Social Care Standards. If services do not meet these requisite standards, the Care Inspectorate will provide recommendations and requirements. In extreme cases, it may also take enforcement action. These new standards, developed jointly by the Scottish Government, the Care Inspectorate, and Healthcare Improvement Scotland, are designed to ensure that service users' needs are continually met.

Addressing Complaints with the Care Inspectorate

If you are unsatisfied with a registered care service and the service has not resolved your concern, you can lodge a complaint with the Care Inspectorate. Complaints can be registered online, in writing, or over a call. Anonymity is maintained for those who wish not to disclose their names while filing a complaint.

To locate a care service or inspection report, visit their official website at