Safeguarding of Children (Child Protection) Level 2 (VTQ)

43 videos, 1 hour and 47 minutes

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Psychological Abuse

Video 26 of 43
1 min 38 sec
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Comprehending Psychological Abuse

Psychological abuse involves the deliberate infliction of emotional distress through threat, humiliation, or other verbal and non-verbal behaviours. It's essential to recognise that cultural norms and expectations considerably influence the manifestation and impact of this form of abuse on victims. Perpetrators can include family members, caregivers, or acquaintances.

Physical Indicators of Psychological Abuse

Physical signs of psychological abuse might manifest as unexplainable erratic changes or stress-induced conditions such as elevated blood pressure. Nevertheless, these indicators are not always conclusive proof of abuse as they could be attributed to other causes. More often, a pattern or a combination of indicators suggests a problem.

Behavioural Signs Reflect Perpetrator Strategies

Behavioural signs of psychological abuse often mirror the strategies utilised by the abuser. Such tactics may include the emotional isolation of the victim by refraining from basic social interactions like conversation, touch, or comfort.

Common Behaviours Exhibited by Victims

Victims might display symptoms such as:

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Signs of depression
  • Confusion
  • Fear in the presence of the abuser
  • Emotional upset
  • Agitation
  • Withdrawal or non-responsiveness

In some instances, victims might even show unusual behaviours typically associated with dementia, like sucking, biting, or rocking. These signs underscore the profound damaging impact of psychological abuse.