Safeguarding of Children and Adults Level 3 (VTQ)

102 videos, 4 hours and 39 minutes

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Engaging Family and Friends in SOVA

Video 97 of 102
3 min 23 sec
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The Role of Family and Friends in the SOVA Process

Benefits and Complexities of Involvement

Involving family and friends in safeguarding processes can offer valuable support, but such involvement demands delicate handling. Balancing the confidentiality imperative against the advantages of integrating family and friends in the Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults (SOVA) process is crucial.

Key Contributions

Family and friends can:

  • Supplement the support network for the individual.
  • Offer essential data for risk assessments and care planning.
  • Help spot potential indicators of abuse or neglect.

However, their involvement hinges on the service user's consent, barring situations where capacity is absent or when significant harm risk looms.

Respecting Confidentiality and Privacy

Upholding the service user's confidentiality and privacy is foundational in health and social care. Information sharing with family and friends should primarily rest on the service user's consent. Exceptions exist, notably:

  • When the service user lacks the cognitive capacity, decisions fall under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 guidelines, prioritising the individual's best interest.
  • If severe harm risks arise, necessitating non-consensual information sharing in line with local safeguarding protocols.

Approaching Involvement


  • Garner the service user's consent prior to involving relatives or friends.
  • Transparently convey what and why specific details will be shared.
  • Assess the relationship quality between the service user and their family/friends.
  • Heed safeguarding procedures if abuse or neglect concerns emerge.
  • Guarantee that interactions remain transparent, frank, and respectful.

Support for Family and Friends

Family and friends might also need backing. Aid can manifest as:

  • Provision of information or resources.
  • Referrals to support services.

It's vital to chronicle all encounters with family and friends, cataloguing shared details, given consents, and consequent actions. Regardless of their involvement level, always honour the service user's privacy, divulging only requisite details and shunning superfluous sensitive information disclosure.

Concluding Remarks

While family and friends' integration in the SOVA procedure can be incredibly fruitful, it necessitates a considerate approach. Privacy rights, mental capacity, and relationship