Safeguarding of Children and Adults Level 3 (VTQ)

102 videos, 4 hours and 39 minutes

Course Content

What is abuse and neglect

Video 31 of 102
2 min 22 sec
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Exploring the Many Facets of Abuse and Neglect

Abuse encompasses a range of physical, financial, sexual, or emotional acts that cause pain, physical harm, or mental anguish. This includes neglect, abandonment, and deprivation by others, often leading to significant and long-lasting trauma for the victim.

Various Forms of Abuse

Abuse manifests in multiple ways, including:

  • Physical Abuse
  • Emotional Abuse
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Financial Abuse
  • Neglect

It can be inflicted intentionally or unintentionally by family, friends, caregivers, or professionals, leaving profound physical and emotional scars.

Understanding Neglect

Neglect, a form of abuse, occurs when caregivers fail to fulfil their duty of care. This can be due to various reasons, from wilful actions to inability or ignorance.

Active Neglect

Active neglect is intentional, where care or necessities are withheld, possibly motivated by financial gains or interpersonal conflicts.

Passive Neglect

Passive neglect arises when caregivers cannot provide necessary care due to reasons like illness, disability, or lack of resources.


Self-neglect refers to situations where individuals refuse or are unable to care for themselves, often due to their circumstances or mental state.

Responsibility to Report: Act of Omission

An Act of Omission is a failure to report known abuse, constituting neglect of responsibility by staff, volunteers, or caregivers.


Recognising and understanding the various forms of abuse and neglect is crucial in providing appropriate care and support. It is essential for those in caregiving roles to be vigilant and proactive in safeguarding the welfare of those under their care.