Safeguarding of Children and Adults Level 3 (VTQ)

102 videos, 4 hours and 39 minutes

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Managing risk and Multi-agency safeguarding of adults

Video 45 of 102
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Risk Enablement in Health and Social Care

The Essence of Risk Enablement

Risk enablement stands as a cornerstone in self-directed care and support within the health and social care sector. It seeks to empower individuals, allowing them to direct their own care, formulate preventative strategies against potential harm, and embrace necessary care and support. Through this autonomy, individuals not only gain self-assuredness but also are more likely to voice concerns or potential abuse instances.

Real-Life Application

Consider an individual, impaired by mobility challenges due to illness, wishing to use the bathroom independently. Risk enablement here might encompass equipping them with suitable mobility aids and mechanisms to summon assistance when required.

Reduction of Abuse Risks

Such proactive approaches considerably mitigate the probability of abuse. Organisations zealous about safeguarding adults should:

  • Transparently articulate their commitment to everyone's welfare.
  • Rigorously apply the CQC's foundational standards and the code of conduct for healthcare support and adult social care workers in England.
  • Boost awareness among staff by spotlighting abuse indicators through posters or brochures.
  • Take the onus of offering educational opportunities on safeguarding.
  • Respond earnestly to all allegations of harm or abuse, championing the principles of person-centred care.

Preventative measures paired with fostering a transparent environment aids in minimising abuse risks, promoting a culture where safeguarding issues are both acknowledged and rectified, thus refining operational methods continually.

The Care Act of 2014 and its Implications

Post-April 2015, as stipulated by the Care Act of 2014, local authorities were tasked with instituting multi-agency safeguarding adult boards. These boards delineate the tangible execution of safeguarding protocols within their jurisdiction, streamlining information exchange amongst organisations and workers, guaranteeing comprehensive care to individuals.

Role of Workers and Managers

Should concerns arise, it's pivotal for staff members to discuss these with peers to grasp the full context of an individual's scenario. Supervisors must elucidate local protocols, clarifying their congruence with the established modus operandi of a given workplace. Decisions are made centred on local consensus and the workplace's nature, pinpointing when an issue escalates to a safeguarding concern.

Case in Point

In specific settings, occasional challenges like a team being undermanned might not be labelled as a safeguarding quandary. Yet, in contexts involving individuals with intricate needs or community scenarios, such staffing inadequacies could jeopardise health and well-being, necessitating safeguarding intervention.


Risk enablement underscores the pivotal role of individual empowerment, collective responsibility, and systemic safeguards in ensuring optimal health and social care outcomes.