Safeguarding of Children and Adults Level 3 (VTQ)

102 videos, 4 hours and 39 minutes

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Who might abuse or neglect

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Decoding of Neglect in Caregiving

Types of Neglect

Neglect is the omission of a caregiver to meet their duty of providing the requisite care. This can be classified into three distinct categories:

  • Active Neglect: Deliberate withholding of care or essentials, often for ulterior motives such as financial advantage.
  • Passive Neglect: An unintentional neglect arising from factors like illness, stress, lack of resources, or inadequate knowledge on the part of the caregiver.
  • Self-Neglect: An individual's personal refusal of care, resulting in neglect without an external perpetrator.

Acts of Omission

The act of omission denotes scenarios where an individual, despite being cognizant of abuse, refrains from reporting it.

Recognising Indicators of Neglect

Signs of neglect can vary and may manifest physically, emotionally, or behaviourally:

Physical Indicators:

  • Poor personal hygiene: dirty clothing, unwashed skin, matted hair, or evidence of lice.
  • Presence of pressure sores, skin rashes or unsuitable clothing for prevailing weather.
  • Signs of dehydration: dry skin, reduced urine output, and mental confusion.
  • Untreated medical conditions, absence of essential aids, or the decline of chronic illnesses despite existing care plans.

Behavioural Indicators in Caregivers:

  • Expressions of anger, fatigue or frustration.
  • Isolation from external social connections.
  • Lack of caregiving competence or overt dissatisfaction with care professionals.
  • Reluctance to avail financial assistance or external support.

Behavioural Indicators in Victims:

  • Manifestations of emotional turmoil: distress, crying, depression, or sleep disturbances.
  • Appetite loss not linked to medical issues.
  • Confusion potentially caused by malnourishment.
  • Emotionally distant behaviours, fearfulness towards caregivers, or unrealistic expectations about their care situation.